1. drop the ball -
He really dropped the ball when he forgot to call the client back.
他真是把事情搞砸了, 因他忘記回電話給客戶
2. easy come easy go -
Her attitude toward money has always been, easy come, easy go.
3. fall through the cracks -
This “quality check process” ensures that no parts of the project fall through the cracks.
這個 "質量檢驗流程"是要確保整個專案裡面沒有被忽視被遺忘的環節
4. fine print -
Make sure you always read the fine print before signing anything.
5. get off the ground -
We must have strategies and plans to get our new marketing campaign off the ground.
在啟動我們的新的促銷活動前, 我們要先有策略和計畫
6. get down to business -
Okay, we have a lot to get through today so let's get down to business!
好, 今天我們有很多工作要做, 讓我們就進入正題