1. gray area -
It's a gray area that may need to be further clarified.
事情處在一個不夠明確的狀態下, 需要進一步被釐清
2. have your work cut out -
If we want to finish this work by Friday, then we’ve really got our work cut out for us.
假若我們要在星期五前把手邊工作做完, 這樣會是很困難的
3. hit the nail on the head -
He hit the nail on the head when he said the problem was the battery not the charger.
4. in a nutshell -
In a nutshell, our goal is to beat the competition and increase market share.
總而言之, 我們的目標, 就是要擊敗競爭對手, 提高市場占有率
5. in the red -
Our company has been operating in the red since when the pandemic began last March.
自從三月份疫情開始後, 公司的財務就處於虧損的窘境
6. in the black -
With the sales picking up, our company is operating in the black now.
我們例句是說當銷售開始回升, 公司財務就處於有盈餘的情況了